Want To Know How To Make Your Work Environment More Accessible & Inclusive? Then Read This:

In celebration of the International Day of People with Disability, disability advocate Hannah Diviney writes about how we can all practice allyship at work. There’s no denying that 2020 has been a strange and unsettling year for all of us. We’ve had to face a seemingly never-ending torrent of challenges that have made ‘outside the … More Want To Know How To Make Your Work Environment More Accessible & Inclusive? Then Read This:

A post-doctoral scientist’s 5-step guide for emerging women scientists

Dream. Do. Role models. Self-confidence. Share. I love science and at a young age I’ve always dreamed to go behind the scenes of the life of a researcher. It wasn’t until I was given a great opportunity to join a one-year work experience program at either an academic or private institute, which was offered during … More A post-doctoral scientist’s 5-step guide for emerging women scientists

Once you’ve left can you really break back in?

International mobility is regarded as a critical step in career progression for a successful researcher. I spent 10 years establishing a career, completing a PhD at University College London followed by postdoctoral training at the University of Edinburgh. I had a strong and diverse scientific network in the UK, Europe, and America, yet upon returning … More Once you’ve left can you really break back in?

Women in the rational world of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

I was speaking to my friend’s daughter aged 7 and she asked me, ‘What do you do? I replied I am a Scientist/Engineer. With so much surprise and disbelief, she said, ‘That’s not true and can’t be…’ Taken aback, I asked her ‘why are you so sure?’ Then in response she replied, ‘because most of … More Women in the rational world of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Pursuing the Dream of a Career in Engineering

At 11:05am on Monday 12th August, my phone rang. Palo Alto, CA, United States – the location of the caller – this is it… Butterflies in my stomach, I steadied my hand enough to swipe to answer. “Hello, Brooke speaking?” The start of a life-changing phone call. John Hennessy, co-founder of the scholarship and former … More Pursuing the Dream of a Career in Engineering

The Art of Negotiation

I am often asked to discuss negotiation tips and traps that I have learned during my journey from post-doctoral scientist to Vice President Corporate Strategy and Business Development at Certara. Is it really 30 years since I finished my PhD? Negotiation is analogous to a game of chess, where experts plan several moves ahead and … More The Art of Negotiation