Women in AI get the spotlight

The Women in AI Awards is the night of nights where excellence, expertise and leadership in artificial intelligence (AI) is recognised and celebrated. The 2022 WAI Awards Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) were hosted at The Great Hall in the National Gallery Victoria, Melbourne with VIPs, AI leaders and finalists, along with their colleagues and teams. … More Women in AI get the spotlight

APEC - Promoting Women and Girls’ Participation in STEM

Dr Leonie Walsh, our inaugural Ambassador for Women in STEMM Australia, represented Australia in October last year at the APEC Workshop - Promoting Women and Girls’ Participation in STEM held in Chinese Taipei, 24-27 October 2017. Leonie is a well-known and respected leader and advocate for STEMM industry and innovation, as well as women in … More APEC - Promoting Women and Girls’ Participation in STEM

Women in STEMM Advocacy: looking at the past, a link to the future

We have been thrilled to welcome WiSEnet to our network and outgoing WiSEnet National Convenor Dr Diane Webster was invited to serve with Women in STEMM Australia’s Board of Directors, and did so until the end of 2016, when past WiSEnet member, Associate Professor Sally Male joined. Sally continues to serve on our Board of … More Women in STEMM Advocacy: looking at the past, a link to the future

Keen to hack but no sitter? GovHack Melbourne is for you!

Govhack is an annual hackathon event held across Australia and New Zealand that focuses on building a better democracy through innovation, participation and the development of a strong community of civic hackers. The organisers are always looking for ways that will make the event more accessible and foster a diverse community. One thing the Melbourne … More Keen to hack but no sitter? GovHack Melbourne is for you!