Happy 2016: WiSENet merges with Women in STEMM Australia

Welcome to another exciting year for women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics and medicine (STEMM)! This year, Women in STEMM Australia is thrilled to welcome the Women in Science Enquiry Network Inc (WiSEnet) to its membership.

WiSENet was established in 1987 to increase women’s participation in the sciences and to link people in different branches of science and those working towards a more participatory and socially useful science.

At a Special General Meeting held in November 2014, the WiSEnet membership favourably voted “that WiSEnet merges with Women in STEMM Australia under the name Women in Science AUSTRALIA.” Women in STEMM Australia is an incorporated group which aims to connect women in STEMM including health and medicine, across every professional sector – education, research, industry, academia and government – regardless of their profession.

The merger of WiSEnet with Women in STEMM Australia was finalised at the end of 2015. To ensure continuity, members of the WiSEnet executive committee will serve with Women in STEMM Australia. Over the next two years, key WiSEnet programs including the Diana Temple lecture at The University of Sydney and the Graduate Women Victoria bursaries will be promoted by Women in STEMM Australia and the programs continued.

Women in STEMM Australia is immensely excited to see this unification of two large women in STEMM networks and we acknowledge and thank the WiSENet executive, past and present, for their dedicated service and representation over the past 29 years. Many women in STEMM have travelled this road before us, and we value and respect their contributions, advocacy and achievements!

The Board of Directors for Women in STEMM Australia welcome all previous WiSEnet members to their professional network and encourage them to register with the Women in STEMM Australia here. You can also follow Women in STEMM Australia on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Lend your voice to driving STEMM equity, diversity and leadership!

Here’s wishing all women in STEMM a productive and rewarding 2016!

Marguerite Evans-Galea and Michelle Gallaher

Co-Founders, Women in STEMM Australia

3 thoughts on “Happy 2016: WiSENet merges with Women in STEMM Australia

  1. I was very active in Wisenet in 1988 & 19989, curating an exhibition which toured SA, NSW, VIC QLD 1989. It was called “A history for the future women in science and technology in Australia” and a great team formed to make this happen. I have photo and other research materials if anyone interested. I am now active in Australian Association for Environmental Education.

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