Riding the Waves

As a diverse woman in subsea engineering, Allison Selman has experienced a range of highs and lows in her career. Here, she shares her journey towards professional success, personal fulfilment and supporting other women in STEMM. Riding the waves in an ocean-based career has been unexpected. Exploring Routes Transitioning to the offshore oil and gas … More Riding the Waves

Want To Know How To Make Your Work Environment More Accessible & Inclusive? Then Read This:

In celebration of the International Day of People with Disability, disability advocate Hannah Diviney writes about how we can all practice allyship at work. There’s no denying that 2020 has been a strange and unsettling year for all of us. We’ve had to face a seemingly never-ending torrent of challenges that have made ‘outside the … More Want To Know How To Make Your Work Environment More Accessible & Inclusive? Then Read This:

Grants put women at the forefront of paediatric health research

Four outstanding Queensland women have been awarded almost $200,000 by the Children’s Hospital Foundation to help work wonders in the field of paediatric research. The Mary McConnel grant program, first launched on International Women’s Day in 2018, aims to support women researchers to increase delivery and dissemination of research, thereby boosting the researcher’s track record … More Grants put women at the forefront of paediatric health research

Be your own hero

We are in the midst of a pandemic that threatens to undo the progress made towards increased diversity in STEMM. Simultaneously, an avalanche of misinformation has spread more rapidly than the virus itself and has the potential to do just as much, if not more, harm. Accurate, accessible and engaging communication of science is more … More Be your own hero

Queen’s Birthday Honours for Leading Scientist, Women in STEMM Advocate and Entrepreneur

Dr Marguerite Evans-Galea, a leading scientist and advocate for greater diversity and equity for women in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine), has been named in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list as a Member of the Order of Australia (AM). Dr Evans-Galea has been recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for significant service to … More Queen’s Birthday Honours for Leading Scientist, Women in STEMM Advocate and Entrepreneur

A post-doctoral scientist’s 5-step guide for emerging women scientists

Dream. Do. Role models. Self-confidence. Share. I love science and at a young age I’ve always dreamed to go behind the scenes of the life of a researcher. It wasn’t until I was given a great opportunity to join a one-year work experience program at either an academic or private institute, which was offered during … More A post-doctoral scientist’s 5-step guide for emerging women scientists

Once you’ve left can you really break back in?

International mobility is regarded as a critical step in career progression for a successful researcher. I spent 10 years establishing a career, completing a PhD at University College London followed by postdoctoral training at the University of Edinburgh. I had a strong and diverse scientific network in the UK, Europe, and America, yet upon returning … More Once you’ve left can you really break back in?

Women in the rational world of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

I was speaking to my friend’s daughter aged 7 and she asked me, ‘What do you do? I replied I am a Scientist/Engineer. With so much surprise and disbelief, she said, ‘That’s not true and can’t be…’ Taken aback, I asked her ‘why are you so sure?’ Then in response she replied, ‘because most of … More Women in the rational world of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)